Optima Collection Miramar Chornomorsk

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Optima Collection Miramar Chornomorsk

Contacts of hotel Optima Collection Miramar Chornomorsk

Optima Collection Miramar Chornomorsk
11 Pliazhna street, Chornomors`k, Odessa region, Ukraine, 68000
0 800 304 500
46.302542702417, 30.6658027393051
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Room price includes: accommodation of your choice, pool, buffet breakfast, Wi-Fi, taxes (except for tourist tax). From 9 April , 2019, depending on the price of a hotel room, the local council established a tourist tax rate from  0,25% to 0,25% for resident (domestic tourism) and non- resident (inbound tourism) of the minimum wage, established by law for January 1 of the reporting year for one person for each day of temporary accomodation of a person at the hotel.

Children up to 5 years are allowed to stay with their parents for free, with no extra beds provided. If desired, a child under 5 years old can be accommodated in an additional bed - 500 UAH*
The cost of an extra bed for use by children over the age of 5 and by adults is 1000 UAH (with breakfast, tariff valid until 15.06) and 2000 UAH (full board, with three meals a day).

The hotel serves a daily buffet breakfast, dinner and supper, which is included in the room rate.

*this rate is valid in situations where guests are not comfortable with placing a child with their parents in the same bed and a cot is not suitable, i.e.:
- if a child under 5 years old is placed with their parents - free of charge,
- cot for the child - free of charge
- if a cot is not suitable and an extra bed is required - the cost is 500 UAH